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Safety First: A Critical Look at the Risks Associated with Breast Augmentation Surgery

Many women want to make their boobs bigger. The answer can be found in silicone gel insertion or in augmentation with breast implants - breast surgery. Everyone knows what kind of unsafe consequences anesthesia may have. In addition, many ladies may suffer from severe pain and need a long recovery time, which means they will not be fully involved in their job and family life. 

Patients need to take tablets to relieve pain as the breasts are very sore and tender after the surgical procedure. It means that the entire process of breast enlargement through surgery is incredibly expensive and risky. The options like injections, gels, drug and creams can be made without thinking about the consequences of in taking chemicals and hormones. Try to stay away from these unnatural solutions.

Before Breast Enlargement Surgery

If you consider breast surgery you need to discuss with your surgeon the details of your breast enhancement. Ask questions about the procedure to clear up all the moments you wish to know. One of the most important things related to this type of breast surgery is the size of your implant. Try to describe the result you want to achieve as precise as possible. 

You may advise with your surgeon on the size that will suit you most or you may tell your surgeon what size you think is the best choice. One way to choose the implant's size is to fill plastic bags with water which you have measured beforehand and place these bags in your desirable bra size. Thus, your surgeon will see what size you want to have. Moreover, you should also talk about the shape of your silicone implant depending on whether you wish to have a rounded or a contoured breast appearance.

Besides, you should decide on a surface of your breast implants. The surface can be smooth or textured (rough). The smooth surface implants are known for a lower rate of deflation, wrinkling or rippling, but these implants need a larger pocket to be placed in. Also, this type of breast implants is reported to have more chances to become hard. The rough or textured surface implants usually do not tend to become firm and hard but they are more prone to rupture and rippling than the smooth ones. And remember that you should look for the other methods of breast enlargement like herbal breast pills.

Breast implants

What else do you need to know about breast enlargement surgery? The silicone implants are used in modern breast enlargement surgery to enlarge woman's breast. An implant consists of a silicone shell with saline inside and it improves the breast appearance: size, shape, fullness, cleavage could be changed. More than 500,000 breast surgery centers accommodated in the USA only in 2019. Today breast enlargement is an ordinary medical service that brings women closer to the generally accepted aesthetic ideal, though not long ago it was considered to be a self-conceit action.

The place under the chest muscle is considered to be the best point for implant installation. The installation of an implant at this place helps to avoid induration and deformation, though it is a more serious surgical procedure. The simpler way to set an implant is to place it under the breast tissue. But in this case be ready for induration and deformation risks increasing. Your surgeon is to explain to you all the possible variants of implanting, giving all the available and useful information. It will help you to choose the most effective variant.

Breast Augmentation Surgery after Weight Loss 

It is natural that woman's breast loses its shape getting older, becomes more shapeless as firm tissue replaces by softer fatty tissue. When a person loses much weight similar processes take place. It can happen both to women and men.

Although the skin suffers very much from weight loss it's not the only part of the breast which is affected. Unfortunately, the breast tissue becomes "deflated" and loose in spite of the fact that before weight loss it used to be full and supple. The breasts can be restored with the help of a breast implant because breast augmentation does the breasts good.

While performing breast enlargement surgery after weight loss, several small surgical cuts are usually made at the fold near the base of the breast, around the areola, or in the underarm. Surgeons can put the implants under the breast tissue or underneath the pectoralis (breast muscle). A great number of weight loss patients decides their implants to be located under the pectoralis because this guarantees a more natural breast shape under their "deflated" skin.

The surgery is performed with a general anesthetic. A breast augmentation is an outpatient procedure. The operation lasts for one or two hours. Postoperative pain is decreased with oral medication. Many patients go back to work in a week or so. Results can be improved with breast size pills.

Risks of Breast Enlargement Surgery

The reason why breast implants make moral police and medical professionals frown is the risks for health they entail. The most recent of controversies about implants being filled with silicone gel made a lot of physicians use implants filled with a saline solution.

So keep in mind that to get an effective and safe breast enhancing and improvement option that will help you follow significant weight reduction, it's best to visit some breast health forums. This is where many women may suggest to you an effective option to get back your pre-existing breast appearance and size.

There are special topical branches on the weight loss forums. There you can find recommendations to take the breast enhancement pills. Some of the women tried breast lifting gel and share the experience with others. With assistance of the right remedies you'll be able to return firmness of breast. They will look full and younger. Such result can be achievable even without breast implants and risk associated with it. Consequently, you will not suffer from side effects. 

Breast Enlargement Implants: Risks and Side Effects

Occasionally, breast implants may break or leak. 3% suffer leakage within three years causing a deflated implant. The saline fill is salt water and will be absorbed by the body without ill effects. Older implants with silicone gel can also leak. 

If this occurs, one of two things may occur. If breakage of the implant shell that has a contracture scar around it, then it may not feel like anything has happened. Moreover, if the shell breaks and there is not a contracture scar, then leakage into the surrounding tissue results in a sensation that the implant is deflating. The leaking gel may collect in the breast and a new scar may form around it. In other cases gel can migrate through the lymphatic system to another area of the body. 

Breaks may require a second operation and replacement of the leaking implant. If the gel has migrated it may not be possible to remove all of the silicone gel. This silicone gel is what some say is related to the initiation of connective tissue disorders.

One study they reviewed showed that 63.6% of breast implants which had been in place for between one and 25 years had ruptured or were leaking.
For silicone gel and saline-filled implants, some causes of rupture or deflation include : damage by surgical instruments during surgery, overfilling or under filling of the implant with saline solution (specific only to saline-filled breast implants), capsular contracture, closed capsulotomy, stresses such as trauma or intense physical manipulation, excessive compression during mammographic imaging, placement through umbilical incision, site injury to the breast, normal aging of the implant, unknown/unexplained reasons.

Why suffer from these horrible effects? Breast pills are safe, natural, effective, and they really work! This is a revolutionary breakthrough in natural breast enlargement. Get the larger breasts you want the natural way, with the new breast pills! Breast pills work in only 30 days with zero harmful side effects. Wake up your bust line with its own natural growth process! Breast pills contain herbs that work naturally for real growth, the safe, non-surgical way. 

Maybe you're just a little hesitant. That's understandable. Sometimes new breakthroughs like breast pills can seem just a little too good to be true at first. That's why you should look for a guarantee and user experience.

Breast Implants and Breastfeeding

A lot of women ask if they can breastfeed after breast enlargement. The answer is a resounding yes. For the vast majority of women who had a breast enlargement program breastfeeding is no more difficult with implants than without. In fact, some women who have breastfed with and without implants say that breastfeeding after breast enlargement is easier!

Breastfeeding is a growing concern with patients who have had breast enlargement. In previous years, women who received implants were married and had already finished with childbearing. However, more and more single women, and women who have not finished or even begun childbearing are having the surgery.

In 1992 the first report of a Silicone Illness hit the media. At that time there was fear that breastfeeding with silicone implants would endanger the child. There has been studies performed to show this not to be the case. The main reason being that the silicone molecule is too large to pass into the milk ducts.

Later, Silicone was removed from general use, and Saline implants were the only available devices on the market. Even if the saline did leach into the milk, it is an inert substance, with no harmful effects on mother or baby.

Some concerns are placed on implant placement, and incision site. It is said to be more optimal to have the implants placed under the muscle, and to avoid the peri-aerolar incision. The reasons are simple, using those guidelines, there is less interference with the milk ducts which reside directly under the skin and in the tissue above the muscle of the breast. However, as with everything in science, this is not guaranteed. There are many women who have had placement of implant and incision in suboptimal locations, and are still very successful with breastfeeding.

It is very important to discuss your plans of breastfeeding your baby at the time of your consultation. Your surgeon will be able to work with you, to get the best possible results, even if you are not planning on having children anytime in the near future.

If you want to eliminate risks completely, take a look at natural solutions for breast growth. The natural breast enlargement herbs mean enlargement that you can be proud of, naturally. No surgery, no painful side effects, no implants, no breastfeeding risks. Just breast enlargement that's natural and effective.

Breast Implant Leakage

A menace of breast implants breaking or leaking exists always. Salt water is used for filling them and it could be safe for women's body. But implants filled with silicone gel, which were popular before, also may have holes and leak. It may have two possible results. If the implant shell has a contracture scar around it is quite possible not to notice anything.

And in case the broken shell has no contracture scar, a woman will get a leakage into ambient tissue with a feeling of implant getting down. Gel that has leaked down can collect within the breast with a new scar forming around it. Otherwise, gel can get down the lymphatic system into other parts of a body. Another operation and disposing of the leaking implant would be necessary. In case gel started to migrate, it may be impossible to dispose all the silicone. In some opinions silicone gel could cause serious problems with connective tissue.

Pills for breast growth are not as expensive as breast implants, which are also so insecure. Breast pills can be various as they intensify the natural enlargement of breast, making it 1 or 2 cup sizes larger.

Silicone Immune Toxicity Syndrome

There are several forms of the chemical in breast implants that can cause a problem in the human organism. Silicon (Si) is the basic element and probably causes immune system changes. Silica or SiO2 is the form it is mined from the earth. Silicone gel is a synthetic material containing 38% silicon. The silica is 45% silicon. There is slow leakage ("bleeding") of the silicone gel from the implants through the semi-permeable membrane envelope and also into and through the capsule that surrounds the implants. This is picked up by the macrophages (scavenger cells) of our immune system and is broken down inside these cells which travel all over the body. The gel breaks down inside these cells, which travel all over the body. The gel breaks down into Silica and Silicon which causes an immune system dysregulation. Thus, there are antibodies produced against the silicon and also against the silicon and protein complex (organ systems) so that you get autoimmune illness.

Below is the List of Chemicals which experts have analyzed to be in the breast implant shell envelopes and gels.

Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Cyclohexane, Isopropyl Alcohol, Denatured Alcohol, Acetone, Urethane, Lacquer thinner, Ethyl Acetate, Epoxy Resin, Epoxy hardener, Amine, Printing ink, Toluene, Freon, Silicone, Lofol (formaldehyde), Flux Metal, cleaning acid, Eastman 910 glue (Cyanoacyryiates), Talcum Powder, Color Pigments as release agents Oakite (a cleaning solvent), Ethylene Oxide (ETO), Carbob black, Xylene, Hexane, Hexanone 2, Antioxidant (rubber), Zinc Oxide, Naphtha (rubber solvent), Phenol Benzene-Known carcinogen

Methylene Chloride/Dichloromethane. This breaks down in the body, so blood cannot carry oxygen. It metabolizes carbon monoxide poisoning and causes central nervous system depression.

Now you can have breast enlargement naturally! Breast enlargement pills can make you firmer, rounder, and larger in just 30 days.

This is breast enlargement that really works! Natural breast enlargement herbs mean natural growth. That means you don't need surgery and never any pain. 

Breast augmentation surgery alternatives

A great number of American women want to have breasts of bigger size. However, the greater part of these ladies will not have breast enlargement. In spite of strong desire, they are not ready to face the risk of breast enlargement surgery - and it is understandable.

To tell the truth, the majority of breast enlargement surgeries do not achieve ideal results. Even those who wish to enhance the breast to have B-cup or C-cup can finish with abnormal or rough implants. Take into consideration that women who have implants face the bigger risk of 21% rise in cancer. Is it worth doing then? Smarter women would prefer to stay with A-cup that does not meet the demands, but does not endanger health and life just to look sexy.

But there is a solution! You can refuse from surgery as there is natural breast enlargement surgery alternative to it, which is absolutely safe and works thanks to herbal phytoestrogen, contained in breast enlargement pills. Every woman has estrogen in the organism. This is a natural hormone which is produced in bigger amount during puberty period and therefore breasts start growing. When there is less estrogen, for instance, during menopause and after it, then it brings to drooping breasts, vaginal dryness, and fibrocystic lumps.

Herbal Breast Enlargement Instead of Breast Surgery!

If you prefer herbal breast enlargement, prepare thoroughly at home or with your medical professional. Herbal breast enlargement can't deliver instant result in comparison with implant surgical procedure. But you do not have pain and do not get scars. Figure out the list of ingredients of your natural breast enlargement remedy. Learn all the information about how safe and successful the pills are. Make sure you don't have an allergic reaction to any of the herbs and determine if the pills are compatible with medicines you are taking today. When you have found the right preparations for yourself examine the company that created it. Read the advises and find out if there are no contraindications for you. Some natural ingredients can't be used while you are expecting a baby.

You may be astonished but you can also get Vitamin E while taking breast pills. Vitamin E helps avoid oxidative stress and is a vital moisturizer. Once you have your boobs bigger you'll have an awesome feeling of being younger, more cute, and more self-confident.

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